Friday, 29 September 2017

Chapter 22 - Thusi The Policeman

The policemen used to patrol the streets regularly. Many people used to be arrested during these patrols. They used to target people selling or drinking homemade brew and brandy. Those who did not have dompas, or the permit for being in Alexandra, were also arrested.

My mother used to make homemade brew. She also engaged in fah-fee* (Chinese gambling) as a source of income. My father was a domestic worker. He later owned his own business of shoe repair and a barbershop.

Our living conditions were difficult. When one of us had chicken pox, in no time, all of us would get infected. The local nurses used to come and give my mom health education. There was one clinic in Alexandra called Alexandra Township Clinic. We were vaccinated against different diseases such as TB, measles, polio, etc.

One day, as my mother was busy brewing beer, police suddenly stormed into the yard through the fence......

To read more on what happened when the apartheid-era police found Rose's mother brewing beer illegaly in her yard; buy the book at (Amazon) or (Takealot).

Friday, 8 September 2017

Chapter 21 - The Sewage System

Alexandra Township used the bucket sewerage system. Masepala men, as they were called, used to replace full buckets with empty ones. The cleaned buckets were greased with a disinfectant and tar. It used to amuse all the children in the neighbourhood.

The buckets were removed at night, between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. Masepala men used to come twice per week, Mondays and Fridays. They never wanted to be known. Most of them were Zulu speaking. Watching them to do their job was fun.

Buckets were emptied onto a truck parked in front of the gate of every yard. Another truck brought empty buckets. As the Masepala men were busy, we would be playing our black mampatile game. We were naughty and used to tease them. We would say, 'Masepala, Masepala, etc'. They would be mad at us.

One night, as we were teasing them, one of the Masepala men became very angry. He took a bucket full of...

To read more on what was in the bucket of the Masepala man and what he did with it; buy the book at (Amazon) or (Takealot).

Friday, 1 September 2017

Chapter 20 - The Burglary

We were a family of twelve and lived in a two-roomed house. It had a kitchen and a bedroom. The kitchen was used as a dining room as well. We rented the house from Tshwaedi family. They were cousin to King Lebone Molotlegi of Rustenburg.

In our yard there used to be a cottage occupied by a family of six. There was a flat-roofed house occupied by three families. The big house in the middle was occupied by the owner of the property. We all shared the four toilets outside. The owner locked his toilet, and the rest of the families shared the other three toilets. The toilets were what was known as the bucket system. The buckets were not covered by any barrier at the back.

There was no privacy, and some naughty guys used to pass urine at the back and peep at girls in the toilets. If we noticed any guy at the back of the toilet, we waited till he was gone. Many a time, we saw guys peeping through the back of the toilet.

One tap of water was used by all. Collecting water was scheduled at specific times. A bell would ring, and buckets would be placed in a row in order to collect water. If you are not present during that time, you may just forget receiving any water. We were all cautious about the time of collecting water.

Since our house was overcrowded, my siblings and I used to sleep on the floor.
We all slept in one bedroom. Our parents slept on the bed. The bed was covered by a screen. One night we were all sleeping, and thugs broke into our house...

To read more on what the thugs did after they broke into Rose's house while they were sleeping; buy the book at (Amazon) or (Takealot).