Friday, 29 September 2017

Chapter 22 - Thusi The Policeman

The policemen used to patrol the streets regularly. Many people used to be arrested during these patrols. They used to target people selling or drinking homemade brew and brandy. Those who did not have dompas, or the permit for being in Alexandra, were also arrested.

My mother used to make homemade brew. She also engaged in fah-fee* (Chinese gambling) as a source of income. My father was a domestic worker. He later owned his own business of shoe repair and a barbershop.

Our living conditions were difficult. When one of us had chicken pox, in no time, all of us would get infected. The local nurses used to come and give my mom health education. There was one clinic in Alexandra called Alexandra Township Clinic. We were vaccinated against different diseases such as TB, measles, polio, etc.

One day, as my mother was busy brewing beer, police suddenly stormed into the yard through the fence......

To read more on what happened when the apartheid-era police found Rose's mother brewing beer illegaly in her yard; buy the book at (Amazon) or (Takealot).

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